Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Books in my library

Here is a list of some of my favourite FSL art books:

Léon le caméléon by Mélanie Watt

This is a great book for teaching complimentary colours in grade 5. The last page is devoted to colour theory. A great read aloud!

Augustine by Mélanie Watt

Another classic read aloud. Students will see various artworks that they recognize in the book. The last page goes over the artists and works that influenced Augustine's drawings.

200 idées pour peindre et dessiner

This amazing book goes through various techniques (in French!) on how to use different mediums. Colour theory, elements and principles of design, and techniques are explored.

Je deviens artiste

Another great French book that goes through different masterworks and their artists while providing short biographies and ideas to recreate the artist's techniques. The information from the biographies can be used to create shared reading materials for your classroom.

L'Art à travers les âges

This is a great book that can support teaching art history. It has 200 works of art, time lines, a glossary, and Internet links in it.

Image de l'art plus 4, 5 & 6

These are excellent resources available in our board's schools. There are large posters in the kit and the accompanying guide has useful vocabulary, glossaries and activities.

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